How to make a swap on Wallacy?
Saturday, Apr 15, 2023

How to make a token swap on Wallacy.png

Step 1: Enter Swap mode by clicking the Swap icon on the home screen.

Home - short.png

Step 2: Swap between two different coins. Choose available coins from the menu.

Swap-More Info.png

Select Tokens.png

Step 3: Input an amount for a coin and view transaction data. Note that the first coin amount entered will be the exact amount, and the other will be estimated. The information below provides additional details about each transaction (slippage, price impact, transaction fee).

Swap-More Info.png

Step 4: You can adjust slippage by clicking the icon next to the percentage on the slippage row.

By clicking the switch logo icon between the top and bottom coin selectors, the coin to be exchanged will be switched.

Swap-Setting Basic.png

Step 5: To proceed with the swap, click on “Confirm”. You’ll see a box pop up to re-confirm. In this box, you can adjust your gas fee to speed up or speed down the time of your transaction. The more gas fee you pay, the faster the swap will be completed.

Swap-More Info.png


Step 6: After your tokens have been successfully swapped, the swap result is presented. You can look up your transaction by clicking on View on Blockchain Explorer button at the bottom of the page. The system will forward to the Blockchain page you need to look up.


Swap-History Detail.png

#swap #tokens #Wallacy

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