Wallacy x Galxe: Experience Wallacy Bridge - $200 Raffle
Monday, Nov 27, 2023

Bridge now to win rewards!.png

Hi Wallacians!

The Bridge feature has been released on Wallacy Wallet. Experience it now to seize the chance to win big $USDT rewards 🔥

💰 Prize Pool: 200 USDT - 20 lucky slots

⏰ End Date: December  9th

✅ Complete Galxe tasks to win: https://galxe.com/wallacywallet/campaign/GCgCitUes5

After the campaign ends, winners will automatically be raffled by Galxe. Good luck!

🏆How to Win the Award?

STEP 1: Install Wallacy Wallet mobile App: https://wallacy.io/download/

STEP 2: Import your Galxe-connected wallet into Wallacy Wallet. This will enable Galxe to verify your bridge on Wallacy.

STEP 3: Bridge on Wallacy Wallet:

Complete at least 1 BRIDGE on Wallacy Wallet during the event.

STEP 4: Kindly wait until the campaign ends (8 AM UTC, Dec 9th) and winners will be raffled by Galxe.

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